10. Graphics and Photo Sharing
Of all the senses that God gave us, perhaps nothing controls our behavior more than the eye. Even on the net, we found out that what pleases the eye pleases the heart. Plus when it comes to sharing your experiences, what better can you share than some of the finest moments that life treated you to? Thus, beginning our list of the top time-smashers on net are the Graphics and photo sharing sites.
1. Flickr
2. Snapfish
3. BubbleShare
4. Picasa Web Albums
5. Webshots
6. Slide
7. Zooomr
9. Music
After eyes, its the ear’s turn to take over. The advent of media devices like IPod has changed the way we listened to music. With the whole world having its ears plugged 24X7, how could Internet escape the heat? Be it country, Blues or rock, cyberspace breathes music all the way.
1. Last.FM
2. Pandora
3. MP3Realm
4. Music Mesh
5. Spool.fm
6. FineTune
7. Grabb.it
8. Fun with search engine
Well, the best way of having fun with search engine is that you can simply search for your name in it and try to see what kind of funny messages and funny webpages you get. You’ll soon notice that web is really not that private as you might think, now don’t start thinking about the privacy concerns but go ahead and see how many people share your name and find out more about it and have fun!
1. Google (Do you think I really had to mention it)
2. Yahoo
3. Live
4. Snap
5. Eurekster
6. Ask
7. AltaVista
7. Shopping
Who says you can’t window shop at home? For those with bucks in their pocket, Internet is a way to buy fast and buy far but for those like me, its Window Shopping all the way. The window this time though, is mine! A List of cyber shops for you-
1. Ebay
2. Amazon
3. ShopZilla
4. Mpire
5. MSN Shopping
6. Like
7. Pricegrabber
6. Blogging and Micro Blogging
How could we forget our own passion? Blogging of course is a growing addiction among millions across the globe. And with age no bar and a freedom to express, people had never been writing and reading as much as in this age of blogs! Blogs have taken such a broad form today that virtually nothing on Internet escapes its spectrum. Blogs are for everyone and everything.
Moreover, microblogging too has drawn the spotlight recently with an overwhelming usage of sites like twitter.com. Now instead of me going on, let the list do so -
1. Blogger
2. Wordpress
3. LiveJournal
4. Twitter
5. Jaiku
6. Windows Live Spaces
7. Pownce
5. Web Discovery and Social Bookmarking
If you are a web explorer and like to wander on the web, the various web discovery sites and services can help you do so. Helping you discover the best of websites under thousands of categories and allowing you to find the best that web has to offer on your request, these sites can make you sail through time on a long voyage.
1. Stumbleupon
2. Digg
3. Del.icio.us
4. Yoono
5. Reddit
6. Furl
7. Mister-Wong
4. Knowledge Hunt
They say its the age of information and true they are! We all like to remain informed and we all like to know! Know what? anything and everything! Its this quest to know more that keeps Google going. Millions of users across millions of computers are sharing their knowledge and no one wants to fall behind! So here are the places to go when to you feel the urge to know!
1. Wikipedia
2. Answers
3. bbc
4. How Stuffs Work
5. Discovery
6. Helium
7. Yahoo Answers
3. Gaming
Life is a game and we love to play it! Perhaps the first ever means of recreation created by man, the legacy of games and sports still holds strong. Cyber gaming has not only increased the number of players but has also given a chance for every Tom,Dick and Harry to be Federer, Beckham or Schumacher for a few hours. The list goes looooooong!!
1. MiniClip
2. Yahoo Games
3. Planet Spogg
4. Heavy Games
5. Online Games
6. Zapak
7. Arcade Temple
2. Social Networking
Man is a social animal and has never been more social than in this age of connectivity. Social Networking, a phenomenon large enough to change the face of Internet, has millions of people spending billions of man hours on them.Here goes the elite list-
1. Orkut
2. Facebook
3. MySpace
4. Yahoo Mash
5. Hi5
6. Bebo
7. Tagged
1. Videos
The whole world loves it! Videos are something that can keep just about everyone hooked and that too for hours together. Especially as the gamut of the types of videos is burgeoning day by the day, so is the number of viewers. So here it is - a list of some top video sites some of which might already be open on your desktop.
1. YouTube
2. VideoJug
3. 5min
4. Metacafe
5. College Humor
6. Google Videos
7. iFilm
Source: Tipsosaurus.com
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