1. In Series:
The “In Series” plugin by Travis Snoozy saves you time by selecting posts in a series from the “Write Post” screen, instead of manually adding them by getting the links and pasting.
Time Saved: Depends on length of series, but per series it saves several minutes.
“WP 2.3 Related Posts” by Denis saves time by adding related posts to your post pages via the use of similar tags.
Time Saved: Countless hours
“Better Comments Manager” by Keith Desouza allows you to reply to comments within the admin panel, as well as on a per post basis.
Time Saved: Depends on comment traffic, but can be a minute or two per comment reply.
“Peter’s Custom Anti-Spam” by, you guessed it… Peter Keung allows you to save time by adding word validation on an image to your comments… reducing time to sort through spam comments.
Time Saved: Depends on popularity of your blog, but typically several minutes per post.
5. Share This:
“Share This” by Alex King inserts a bit of code at the end of posts to allow your users to share your content across a multitude of social networking/bookmarking websites.
Time Saved: With the ability to quickly edit what networks you want linked, its still negligible but overtime proves useful.
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